Testament to the Agency of Man

On considering gender augmentation surgery

Do I change?
Do I go the—as you say—whole way?

The breast, a predicament of treatment:
Free Will,

It seems, be more than just the crow’s zigzag
In the wind,

But a thing like breasts, it hangs
There, even in the mind,

Behind the muscle’s freeze,
Homogenously patient for its sister—the breasts,

I mean; the Will, I was saying; but it seems I am
The crow, the same flying

Inside so many green and ruder choices.
Trans, a choice

Written on my body. And I’m allowed.
Trans, a fecund decision,

Androgynously made. No sin.
I pray to God I decide, Rickey.

Yes. I’ll go the whole way.
Let the scalpel in.

Audio version performed by the author.

Source: Poetry (July/August 2023)
More Poems by Rickey Laurentiis