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September 2013

Chris Raschka, "Little Bird," 2013

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • W. Di Piero
  • Nate Klug
  • Atsuro Riley
  • Katharine Coles
  • George Kalogeris
Image of poetry magazine September 2013 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Nocturne

      By W. S. Di Piero
      Where are you now,
      my poems,
      my sleepwalkers?
      No mumbles tonight?
      Where are you, thirst,
      fever, humming tedium?
      The sodium streetlights
      burr outside my window,
      steadfast, unreachable,
      little astonishments
      lighting the way uphill.
      Where are you now,
      when I need you most?
                   It’s late. I’m old.

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Milton’s God

      By Nate Klug
      Where i-95 meets the Pike,
      a ponderous thunderhead flowered;

      stewed a minute, then flipped
      like a flash card, tattered
      edges crinkling in, linings so dark
      with excessive bright

      that, standing, waiting, at the overpass edge,
      the onlooker couldn’t decide

      until the end, or even then,

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Thicket

      By Atsuro Riley
      We come gnawed by need on hands and knees.

      As a creature (nosing) grubble-seeks a spring.

      As bendy-spined as bandy snakes through saltshrub yaupon needle-brake.

      For darkling green;
      for thorn-surround.

      This absorbing


      Of   briar-canes (intervolved with kudzu-mesh) and mold.

      Of   these convoluted vines we grasp to suck.


Table of Contents

Poetry Not Written For Children That Children Might Nevertheless Enjoy
Letters to the Editor