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September 2010

Aimeé van Drimmelen, “Lures,” 2010

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Dana Gioia
  • Daisy Fried
  • Talvikki Ansel
  • Geoffrey Hill
  • Maria Hummel
Image of poetry magazine September 2010
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Present

      By Dana Gioia
      The present that you gave me months ago
      is still unopened by our bed,
      sealed in its rich blue paper and bright bow.
      I’ve even left the card unread
      and kept the ribbon knotted tight.
      Why needlessly unfold and bring to light
      the elegant contrivances that...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Elegy

      By Daisy Fried
      “Even Duccio can’t match
      Giotto’s stage management of great tragedy”:
      Transgendered Professor Y. in leather miniskirt
      paces before the screen, wood pointer
      scraping saint faces, slapping
      hunched women of the Lamentation.
      Blue-gold tumult of the chapel walls.
      After-lunch lecture hall heat.
      You’re in that...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Don’t Tell Me

      By Talvikki Ansel
      it’s iron, the bottle
      crouched on its white pedestal,
      long beak spout and wide open handle
      you could see starry sky through.

      Everybody was doing that new stitch,
      it had spread far west, oh yes,
      said Mrs. ______ at Knit & Purl,
      but how many hats...

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