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September 1998

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Grace Butcher
  • David Citino
  • Carl Dennis
  • Theodore Deppe
  • Caroline Finkelstein
POETRY Magazine cover of September 1998 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Paths

      By John Montague
      We had two gardens.

      A real flower garden
      overhanging the road
      (our miniature Babylon).
      Paths which I helped
      to lay with Aunt Winifred,
      riprapped with pebbles;
      shards of painted delph;
      an old potato boiler;
      a blackened metal pot,
      now bright with petals.

      Hedges of laurel, palm.
      A hovering scent of boxwood.
      Crouched in...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Roots

      By John Piller
      It's easy to believe you can go back
      Whenever you desire, jump in the car
      And drive, arrive at dusk—the hour

      You recall most vividly—and walk
      Among the buildings spread across the farm,
      Out toward the pastures, woods, and fields.

      There is music in the leaves,...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Carlos

      By Theodore Deppe
      My first day leading the prison writing workshop: Carlos
      complimented my choosing the chair nearest the door.

      I read a poem by Whitman that once sent me hitchhiking
      and Carlos stood up, asked to read a section from his four hundred-page work-in-progress,

      a poem...

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