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October 2006

Christina Mazzalupo "Ice Cream 6," 2004

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Robert Pinsky
  • Eavan Boland
  • Robert VanderMolen
  • David Biespiel
  • Laura Kasischke
POETRY Magazine cover of October 2006 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine House of Shadows. Home of Simile

      By Eavan Boland
      One afternoon of summer rain   
      my hand skimmed a shelf and I found   
      an old florin. Ireland, 1950.

      We say like or as and the world is   
      a fish minted in silver and alloy,

      an outing for all the children,   
      an evening...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine After the Phone Call

      By Robert VanderMolen
      She looked nearly the same
      But when I hugged her
      There was substantially more
      To her—no doubt as with me.
      She fibbed as I did at the edge
      Of curb under the streetlight
      As spiders dropped like tiny
      Parachutes—they were...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Early Cascade

      By Lucia Perillo
      I couldn't have waited. By the time you return
      it would have rotted on the vine.
      So I cut the first tomato into eighths,
      salted the pieces in the dusk
      and found the flesh not mealy (like last year's)

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