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October 1998

Max Neumann, Untitled, 1991.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Joachim Sartorius
  • Ingeborg Bachmann
  • Jürgen Becker
  • Ulrich Beil
  • Gottfried Benn
POETRY Magazine cover of October-November 1998 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine kommentar/comment

      By Ernst Jandl
      that never
      would he write
      his autobiography

      because his life
      seemed to him
      just so much filth

      that only a few
      points, bloody ones
      he still remembers

      but that he would
      never hesitate
      to reach into the...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine An Interview

      By Oskar Pastior
      Yes, I've been in Rome, at least two times,
      though on second thought it probably was
      three or maybe five. When was the last?
      That's easy, for I remember it exactly—
      at least what it was like when I first left.
      You mean a part...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Die Verschwundenen/The Vanished

      By Hans Magnus Enzensberger
      It wasn't the earth that swallowed them. Was it the air?
      Numerous as the sand, they did not become
      sand, but came to naught instead. They've been forgotten
      in droves. Often, and hand in hand,
      like minutes. More than us,
      but without memorials. Not registered,

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