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November 2006

Joan Linder "2521 Kingston Pike, Chair" 2003

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Albert Goldbarth
  • Clive James
  • Charlie Smith
  • William Wenthe
  • John Pursley
POETRY Magazine cover of November 2006 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine from From the Theatre of Illusion

      By Pierre Corneille
      Sir, why so restless? Is there any need,
      With all your fame, for one more glorious deed?
      Have you not slain enough bold foes by now,
      And must you have fresh laurels for your brow?

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Primitive Road

      By Lucas Howell
      Say you love the albums with the smoky riffs
      and downbeat rhythms. Here, they beg, fall in with us.
      Forget that book, have a whiskey . . . have another.

      Say you love the books, the words
      and the silences...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Lauderdale

      By Laura Newbern
      At dusk, the grandmother sits alone
      in the light of the long pale pool and speaks
      to the frog who is waiting
      by the electric gate of the clubhouse.

      It will be all right, she says, leaning out

Table of Contents
