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November 2005

Mary Lynn Blasutta, "Smoking Lady," 2005

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Averill Curdy
  • Atsuro Riley
  • Stephen Dunn
  • Elizabeth Bradfield
  • Fleda Brown
POETRY Magazine cover of November 2005 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Sparrow Trapped in the Airport

      By Averill Curdy
      Never the bark and abalone mask
      cracked by storms of a mastering god,
      never the gods’ favored glamour, never
      the pelagic messenger bearing orchards
      in its beak, never allegory, not wisdom
      or valor or cunning, much less hunger
      demanding vigilance, industry, invention,
      or the instinct to claim...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Skillet

      By Atsuro Riley
      Was mine-drawn,
       Was pig-iron;
       —Is a cast-heft
       Chokedamp’s in it,
       Born blackdamp.
       Ore-stope, lode-lamps,
       Turnturbulating crubble-corf and -barrows.
       Trace-tastes of (blast-furnace) harrow-smelt and pour.
       Holds the heat hard.  Rememories flavors: no warshing.
       Carks and plaques itself in layers, like a pearl.    

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Salvation

      By Stephen Dunn
      Finally, I gave up on obeisance,
      and refused to welcome
      either retribution or the tease

      of sunny days. As for the can’t-be-
      seen, the sum-of-all-details,
      the One—oh, when it came

      to salvation I was only sure
      I needed to be spared
      someone else’s version of it.

      The small prayers...

Table of Contents
