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May 2020

Max Phillips

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Safia Elhillo
  • TC Tolbert
  • Mary Ruefle
  • Inua Ellams
  • Srikanth Reddy
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Daedal

      By A.E. Stallings
      To build a labyrinth it takes
      A twisted mind, a puzzled art,
      A fractal branching of mistakes.

      Drag out the shovels and the rakes,
      The spirit level, sacred chart.
      To build a labyrinth it takes

      Shadows, stones, a way that snakes
      And ladders to its shaky start;

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Acceptance

      By Raymond Antrobus
      Dad’s house stands again, four years
      after being demolished. I walk in.
      He lies in bed, licks his rolling paper,
      and when I ask Where have you been?
      We buried you, he says I know,

      I know. I lean into his smoke, tell him
      I went...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine No Thanks

      By Perry Janes
                  every day the world is making its meager
      mea culpas for Easter peeps arranged on dollar store plates
                  at dinner parties invisible fences the dogs run past
      for bleach-stained laundry fresh...

Table of Contents
