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March 2020

Yvette Mayorga

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Nicole Sealey
  • Virgil Suárez
  • Maurice Riordan
  • Jennifer Chang
  • Dora Malech
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Ax

      By John McAuliffe
      Around us, this one of many houses’ slow, broadening
      expansion into ideas about love, bushes emerging as a border,
      the drive’s uneven, herringbone undulation of stone
      fostering greenly weedy outcrops. The rose,
      of a neighbor, sprawling; bins growing smaller and more various,
      a new window...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Revelations

      By Suzi F. Garcia
      There’s a beast in my belly, so they locked me out of paradise. I circle outside,
      search for a new entry; when I throw myself on the gates, the fence burns
         my skin.
      Please, my tears freeze on my face. Weeks pass,...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine My Good Hand Plays God

      By Yusef Komunyakaa
      My thumb & index finger
           frame a zero, then an 8

      sleeping on its side, & I say,
           Leonardo, show me how

      the miraculous scapula
           moves like a torn wing

      half-fused, barely unstuck,
           & a life dares to lift...

Table of Contents
