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March 2011

Eliana Perez, "Lamp," 2010

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Anna Kamienska
  • Kabir
  • Sarah Lindsay
  • Carolyn Forché
  • Daisy Fried
Cover of Poetry Magazine March 2011 Issue, featuring an image of Eliana Perez's "Lamp"
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Brother, I’ve seen some

      By Kabir
      Brother, I’ve seen some
           Astonishing sights:
      A lion keeping watch
           Over pasturing cows;
      A mother delivered
           After her son was;
      A guru prostrated
           Before his disciple;
      Fish spawning
           On treetops;               
      A cat carrying away
           A dog;
      A gunny-sack
           Driving a bullock-cart;
      A buffalo going out to graze,
           Sitting on a horse;
      A tree with its branches...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Shanidar, Now Iraq

      By Sarah Lindsay
      When bones and flesh have finished their business together,
      we lay them carefully, in positions they’re willing to keep,
      and cover them over.
      Their eyes and ours won’t meet anymore. We hope.

      It’s one of the oldest rules we mostly follow.
      In the deep Stone...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Ghost of Heaven

      By Carolyn Forché
      Sleep to sleep through thirty years of night,
      a child herself with child,
      for whom we searched

      through here, or there, amidst
      bones still sleeved and trousered,
      a spine picked clean, a paint can,
      a skull with hair

      Sewn into the hem of memory:...

Table of Contents