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March 2010

Kirsten McCrea, "Take Me With You," 2009

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Dorothea Grossman
  • Gisela Kraft
  • Lavinia Greenlaw
  • David Yezzi
  • Carlo Betocchi
Cover of Poetry Magazine March 2010 issue, featuring Kirsten McCrea's illustration "Take Me With You"
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine I have to tell you

      By Dorothea Grossman
      I have to tell you,
      there are times when
      the sun strikes me
      like a gong,
      and I remember everything,
      even your ears.

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine five-story house in laleli

      By Gisela Kraft
      one lies in rags on the street
      and his stomach is empty
      and he wishes for death

      one sits with friends at tea and backgammon
      and his mind is empty
      and he wishes for death

      one sits in a straight-backed chair at a desk
      and his bank...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The End of Marriage

      By Lavinia Greenlaw
      Night was and they swayed into it:
      a pair of scissors, of sails
      turning only into themselves
      more other than become.

      It is often five o’clock.  
      Her husband has contracted not
      to speak of her and she has forgotten
      where to go. Where does everyone...

Table of Contents

Letters to the Editor