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March 2003

A.R. Ammons, Untitled, 1980.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Robert Bly
  • Harriet Brown
  • Carl Dennis
  • Matt Donovan
  • Rita Dove
POETRY Magazine cover of March 2003 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Kindness

      By Yusef Komunyakaa
              When deeds splay before us 
      precious as gold & unused chances
      stripped from the whine-bone,
      we know the moment kindheartedness
      walks in. Each praise be
      echoes us back as the years uncount
      themselves, eating salt. Though blood
      first shaped us on the climbing...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Reverie in Open Air

      By Rita Dove
      I acknowledge my status as a stranger:   
      Inappropriate clothes, odd habits   
      Out of sync with wasp and wren.   
      I admit I don’t know how   
      To sit still or move without purpose.   
      I prefer books to moonlight, statuary to trees.   

      But this lawn has been leveled for...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Glory

      By Robert Pinsky
      Pindar, poet of the victories, fitted names   
      And legends into verses for the chorus to sing:   
      Names recalled now only in the poems of Pindar:   

      O nearly unpronounceable immortals,   
      In the dash, Oionos was champion:   
      Oionos, Likmynios's son, who came from Midea.   
      In wrestling, Echemos...

Table of Contents
