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June 2005

Hans Lange, "Oasis," 2005.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Linda Gregerson
  • Jill Osier
  • Talvikki Ansel
  • Tom Sleigh
  • Sarah Harwell
POETRY Magazine cover of June 2005 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine You Can't Buy Shoes in a Painting

      By Jill Osier
      You can't even buy a soda. You can only
      see these things, see a mother steer
      her son to the car, his head cocked
      licking his ice cream.

      Earlier, driving, trying to keep
      between two cornfields, I couldn't see myself
      into a map, couldn't be anywhere...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Fable

      By Tom Sleigh
      But where, oh where is the holy idiot,
      truth teller and soothsayer, familiar

      of spirits, rat eater, unhouseled wanderer
      whose garble and babble fill rich and poor,

      homeless and housed, with awe and fear?
      Is he hiding in the pit of the walkie-talkie,

      its grid of...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Revelations in the Key of K

      By Mary Karr
      I came awake in kindergarten,   
      under the letter K chalked neat   
      on a field-green placard leaned   

      on the blackboard's top edge. They'd caged   me   
      in a metal desk—the dull word writ   
      to show K's sound. But K meant kick and kill

      when a boy I'd kissed drew...

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