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June 1999

Michael Triegel, "Tivoli," 1992.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Dick Allen
  • Priscilla Atkins
  • Bob Brooks
  • Grace Butcher
  • Billy Collins
POETRY Magazine cover of June 1999 issue
From this Issue
    • poem
      By Billy Collins
      It seems these poets have nothing
      up their ample sleeves
      they turn over so many cards so early,
      telling us before the first line
      whether it is wet or dry,
      night or day, the season the man is standing in,
      even how much he has had...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Sévres Road

      By Susan Donnelly
      It might have always been meant
      that they walked completely away,
      this man on horse, woman with basket.
      With their backs to us and the painter,
      they are so private. But like those stories

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Dowser’s Ear

      By Wilmer Mills
      Empty cattle trailers
                     Rumbled dummy thunder
      Down the road all day, and now tonight,
      Heat lightning flashes more of the same fake rain.
      It’s just as well. I couldn’t get to sleep,
      And now it ricochets across the sky

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