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July/August 2014

Tony Fitzpatrick, "The Atomic Oriole," 2014

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Dean Young
  • Philip Fried
  • Traci Brimhall
  • D.A. Powell
  • Devin Johnston
Image of poetry magazine cover July/august 2014
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Romanticism 101

      By Dean Young
      Then I realized I hadn’t secured the boat.
      Then I realized my friend had lied to me.
      Then I realized my dog was gone
      no matter how much I called in the rain.
      All was change.
      Then I realized I was surrounded by aliens
      disguised as...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Squaring the Circle

      By Philip Fried
      It’s a little-known fact that God’s headgear — 
      A magician’s collapsible silk top hat,
      When viewed from Earth, from the bottom up — 
      Is, sub specie aeternitatis,

      A pluperfect halo, both circle and square,
      And a premonition of this truth
      Spurred on an ancient philosopher,
      Anaxagoras, to make numerous...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Tonight’s Quarry.

      By D. A. Powell
      We hadn’t got color up till then. And if I had a nickel, why, that was for milk. Milk money: the money a body gained.
      Was just me on that hillside and the kite, red & white waked up into the...

Table of Contents

Tony Fitzpatrick Portfolio