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January 2012

Cathie Bleck, "Pegasus," 2011

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • V. Pelizzon
  • The Editors
  • Stephen Dunn
  • Joseph Spece
  • Michelle Boisseau
January 2012 cover of poetry magazine
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine In Love, His Grammar Grew

      By Stephen Dunn
      In love, his grammar grew
      rich with intensifiers, and adverbs fell
      madly from the sky like pheasants
      for the peasantry, and he, as sated
      as they were, lolled under shade trees
      until roused by moonlight
      and the beautiful fraternal twins
      and and but....

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Queen, you are fathomed

      By Joseph Spece
      Exalted life

      not because you know
      slavish attention
                                           or sit

      bathed in the...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Among the Gorgons

      By Michelle Boisseau
      For seventeen years I was caught in the surf.
      Drubbed and scoured, I’d snatch a breath
      and be jerked down again, dragged across
      broken shells and shingle. I loved it,
      mostly, the need, how I fed the frantic.

      I’d skipped into that sea. Certainly...

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