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January 2004

Edward Sturr, "San Juan Capistrano Mission, 1962."

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • A. Moritz
  • Brian Swann
  • Dan Howell
  • Dana Levin
  • David Mason
POETRY Magazine cover of January 2004 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine School of Flesh

      By Dana Levin
      And blush for a cheek of stone.

            Blush for the lips sewn tight with thread, no speech for the dead

            You’ve got the razor. You can make each suture snap.


    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Habeas Corpus

      By Brian Swann
      Knots, a thousand lights, in
         sheer dark, aimed at my window,
      tinny crystals, so mother dies
         in my sleep. The snow turns
      coarse, goes out. An axe sounds
         where I'd never heard...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Disgraceland

      By Mary Karr
      Before my first communion, I clung to doubt
      as Satan spider-like stalked
      the orb of dark surrounding Eden

      for a wormhole into...

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