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February 2014

Rebecca Shore, "Untitled #08," 2013

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Larry Levis
  • A. Stallings
  • Franz Wright
  • Troy Jollimore
  • Julia Shipley
Image of poetry magazine cover February 2014
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Make a Law So That the Spine Remembers Wings

      By Larry Levis
      So that the truant boy may go steady with the State,
      So that in his spine a memory of wings
      Will make his shoulders tense & bend
      Like a thing already flown
      When the bracelets of another school of love
      Are fastened to his wrists,

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Whethering

      By A.E. Stallings
      The rain is haunted;
      I had forgotten.
      My children are two hours abed
      And yet I rise
      Hearing behind the typing of the rain,

      Its abacus and digits,
      A voice calling me again,
      Softer, clearer.
      The kids lie buried under duvets, sound
      Asleep. It isn’t them I hear, it’s


    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Boardinghouse with No Visible Address

      By Franz Wright
      So, I thought,
      as the door was unlocked
      and the landlord disappeared (no,
      he actually disappeared)
      and I got to examine the room
      unobserved. There
      it stood
      in its gray corner: 
      the narrow bed, sheets
      the color of old aspirin.
      Maybe all this had occurred
      somewhere inside me
      already, or

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