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February 2008

Vivienne Flesher, "Woman's Head," 2007

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Louise Glück
  • Samuel Beckett
  • Heidy Steidlmayer
  • Lynn Emanuel
  • Jeffrey Schultz
POETRY Magazine cover of February 2008 issue, featuring drawing "Woman's Head" by Vivienne Flesher
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Midsummer

      By Louise Glück
      On nights like this we used to swim in the quarry,
      the boys making up games requiring them to tear off  the girls’ clothes
      and the girls cooperating, because they had new bodies since last summer
      and they...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine bon bon il est un pays

      By Samuel Beckett
      all right all right there’s a land
      where forgetting where forgetting weighs
      gently upon worlds unnamed
      there the head we shush it the head is mute
      and one knows no but one knows nothing
      the song of dead mouths dies
      on the shore it has made...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Fowling Piece

      By Heidy Steidlmayer
      The pull of guns I understand,
      my father taught me hand on hand
      how death is. Life asserts.
      (Best take it like a man.)

      I shot a dove, the common sort
      and mourned not life but life so short...

Table of Contents
