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February 2005

Rob Gardiner, "Evian Girl," photograph, 2001.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Laura McCullough
  • Julie Holcomb
  • David Hinton
  • Brian Phillips
  • Adam Zagajewski
POETRY Magazine cover of February 2005 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Great Ships

      By Adam Zagajewski
      This is a poem about the great ships that wandered
                         the oceans
      And groaned sometimes in deep voices, grumbling about fog
                         and submerged peaks,
      But usually they sliced the pages of tropical seas
                         in silence,
      Divided by...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Normalization

      By Czeslaw Milosz
      This happened long ago, before the onset
      of universal genetic correctness.

      Boys and girls would stand naked before mirrors
      studying the defects of their structure.

      Nose too long, ears like burdocks,
      sunken chin just like a mongoloid.

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Out of Town

      By Piotr Sommer
      Years later, the water still drips—
      there's no one to tighten the valve.
      It courses through old pipes
      down to the septic tank.

      Next morning in the cellar
      I start the motor with a stick.
      It shakes and...

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