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February 2002

Maurice de Vlaminck, Untitled, 1908.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Teresa Cader
  • Bill Christophersen
  • Billy Collins
  • Dawn Corrigan
  • Mary Karr
POETRY Magazine cover of February 2002 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Cleaning an Attic

      By Brent Pallas
      The day had finally come
      when everything there

      seemed misplaced or out of place
      as an ex's box of things. The unused

      beside the irreplaceable, the easy-
      to-assemble uncomplicated now


    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine February

      By Bill Christophersen
      The cold grows colder, even as the days
      grow longer, February's mercury vapor light
      buffing but not defrosting the bone-white
      ground, crusty and treacherous underfoot.
      This is the time of year that's apt to put
      a hammerlock on a healthy...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Valentine’s Afternoon

      By Michael McFee
      Four lanes over, a plump helium heart—

      slipped, maybe, from some kid’s wrist               
      or a rushed lover's empty front seat

      through a half-cracked car window—

      rises like a shiny purple cloudlet
      toward today’s gray mess of clouds,

      trailing its gold ribbon like lightning

      that will never strike...

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