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February 2000

Käthe Kollwitz, "Mutter schützt ihr Kind II," 1941/42.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Curt Anderson
  • Renée Ashley
  • Julianna Baggott
  • Robert Bly
  • Neal Bowers
POETRY Magazine cover of February 2000 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Butter

      By Connie Wanek
      Butter, like love,
      seems common enough
      yet has so many imitators.
      I held a brick of it, heavy and cool,
      and glimpsed what seemed like skin
      beneath a corner of its wrap;
      the décolletage revealed
      a most attractive fat!


    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Platonic Love

      By Curt Anderson
      We dine at Adorno and return to my Beauvoir.
      She compliments me on my Bachelard pad.
      I pop in a Santayana CD and Saussure back to the couch.
      On my way, I pull out two fine Kristeva wine glasses.

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Beech

      By Kevin McFadden
      For a tree, you're the worst kind
      of friend, remembering everything.
      Pale-skinned, slightly brailled, blank
      page of pre-adolescence. The way
      the smallest knife-slice would darken
      with time, rise and widen.

      mark was here. Left his.
      But these are the digs...

Table of Contents
