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December 2003

Michael Kenna, "Hilltop Trees, Teshikaga, Hokkaido, Japan. 2003."

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Averill Curdy
  • Aaron Bannister
  • Albert Goldbarth
  • Barbara Goldberg
  • Charlie Smith
POETRY Magazine cover of December 2003 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine To Judgment: An Assay

      By Jane Hirshfield
      You change a life
      as eating an artichoke changes the taste
      of whatever is eaten after.
      Yet you are not an artichoke, not a piano or cat—
      not objectively present at all—
      and what of you a cat possesses is essential but narrow:
      to know if...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Confession

      By Reginald Gibbons
      Down in the blue-green water
             at nightfall some selving shapes
      float fluorescing, trance-dancing,
             trembling to the rhythm of
      theodoxical marching-
             music that they hear over
      the mere noise of the breaking...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine N

      By Randall Mann
      has crawled out of the ocean
      to carry us from sleep, like sleep,

      the gray of outer Sunset portending
      the gray of inner Sunset. And so on.

      On the N, one should invent ...

Table of Contents
