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April 2010

Adam McCauley, "Tip-jar Angel," 2009

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • The Editors
  • Todd Boss
  • H. Hix
  • Rae Armantrout
  • Robyn Schiff
Image of poetry magazine cover April 2010
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine It Is Enough to Enter

      By Todd Boss
      the templar
      halls of museums, for

      example, or
      the chambers of churches,

      and admire
      no more than the beauty

      there, or
      remember the graveness

      of stone, or
      whatever. You don’t

      have to do any
      better. You don’t have to

      the liturgy or know...

    • poem
      By H. L. Hix
      The three men now stood satisfied, arms crossed,
      joking among themselves, but only moments before
      they hadn’t been laughing. It had taken all three
      to bind the struggling man. First, to limit his movement,
      they had duct-taped his wrists together...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Paragraph

      By Rae Armantrout
      Record breaking Thriller
      dance attempt.


      Wolfman Jack style
      dj in the video game says,
      “This is Wasteland Radio

      and we’re here for you


      You are here

      maintaining détente
      between the voices
      in your head.

      Immediacy is retro,
      says Lytle.


      scene in which

      we can read the code—

      flowing algorithms.

      We can...

Table of Contents

Letters to the Editor