Graphic with a red undulating shape with text "Poetry Foundation: A Message to Our Communities"

In response to discussions around a recent editorial decision. 

We at the Poetry Foundation are saddened and deeply disturbed by the humanitarian crisis and ongoing violence in Palestine and Israel. While we believe in the power of words to transform lives, it is not a practice of the Poetry Foundation to insert itself when it cannot add to the conversation or may divert attention away from the work being done by those directly impacted and involved.

Staff had scheduled a review of a poetry collection to be published on October 9, which included a discussion of the reviewer’s and poet’s identities as anti-Zionist Jewish writers. Because of the events that began on October 7, a decision was made in the immediate aftermath to postpone publication to be sensitive to those directly impacted by the violence and avoid exposing both writers to potential backlash. 

Staff informed the review author that we would put the piece on hold temporarily, to which they initially agreed; as conversations with the author continued, they informed us that they would be withdrawing the piece and pitching it elsewhere. We respect the author’s decision, and let them know that they could proceed as they wished.

The Poetry Foundation does not censor poets or dictate what topics they might discuss while writing for, recording with, or performing at the Foundation. It’s unfortunate that this was how the interactions were interpreted and that it generated misinformation and misunderstandings within our communities.

We at the Poetry Foundation will continue to uplift work being done by those who raise their voices against oppression. We maintain our mission to foster spaces for all to create, experience, and share poetry, and we are grounded by our values of sharing, collaboration, equity, access, innovation, and growth. 


The Poetry Foundation

Originally Published: November 2nd, 2023